Rogue-like Action Dungeon Mobile RPG Game #OnlyPossibleOnSolana

Intrant Inferis is an on-chain rogue-like action dungeon role playing mobile game, powered by Solana Blockchain and Unity. Navigate through perilous worlds and let the Llumana magic spark within you as you become the only power strong enough to stand against Terath and his transformed horde army and dangerous henchmen to collect your dark nemesis, Terath’s lost shapeshifting powers, and save your people from transforming into the dark forces of Terath.
How strong does the Llumana magic spark within you?

Book of lore
A corrupted domain lurks beneath the surface of the Verse. For 5,000 years, Terath’s evaporating shapeshifting powers have created new, fragmented worlds. Celorian stands as the last Sabreur citadel since the ancient war between the Sabreurs and Terath and the devastating fall of the Verse. As Terath’s henchmen search for a way to return him to his full power, vile darkness spreads throughout the Verse again, and monsters roam unbound.
All hope seems lost until…


After the fall of the Verse and Eli and Rame’s battle with Terath, the scars that had ripped the world apart faded, and thousands of years passed in a volatile peace. Terath, now remains in the world below until the day comes when he can reclaim his lost shapeshifting powers and ascend to his full power. Even now, rumors abound that his henchmen search for his lost powers, hoping to return him to his former glory as the wielder of the Verse.


After the fall of the Verse and Eli and Rame’s battle with Terath, the scars that had ripped the world apart faded, and thousands of years passed in a volatile peace.
Terath, now remains in the world below until the day comes when he can reclaim his lost shapeshifting powers and ascend to his full power. Even now, rumors abound that his henchmen search for his lost powers, hoping to return him to his former glory as the wielder of the Verse.

& battle

Become a sacred warrior by stepping into the last of the remaining free-flowing Llumana magic preserved in the halls of the Celorian Guilds. Unleash the Llumana magic that sparks inside you by tapping into the ancient warrior codes hidden within your bloodline.
Ready yourself for battle by choosing your abilities and fighting form.
Transform into one of the nine mystical warriors and become a beacon for hope within the Verse.

Earn Loot
Trawl through the world below to collect loot from chests, find sacred artifacts, discover long-forgotten NFT relics and scour the dangerous terrain for magical Theracode and Adacode. Level up by unlocking magical power-ups to fortify yourself and your weapon against the dangers that lie ahead.
Trawl through the world below to collect loot from chests, find sacred artifacts, discover long-forgotten NFT relics and scour the dangerous terrain for magical Theracode and Adacode. Level up by unlocking magical power-ups to fortify yourself and your weapon against the dangers that lie ahead.

3,000 years ago…
As Terath consumed the majority of the Sabreur people’s Llumana magic, transforming them all into monsters for his horde army, and his power over the Verse grew, Eli and Rame, the mightiest of the Sabreur warriors, cast the 9 mystical warriors spell, and created 9 sacred Guilds and 1 Shadow Guild.
The 9 Guilds were, however, created too late to stop Terath’s tyranny from ravaging the Verse. One by one, the Guilds fell, leaving only three to preserve the last remaining Llumana magic until an honored hero emerged who was powerful enough to challenge Terath and his never-ending Malumana darkness.

Blessed with rare vision

Blessed with mysterious powers

Blessed with inhuman strength
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